Monday 3 June 2013

90 Years of our School

20th March, 2013

Dear Diary,
Today our old school celebrated 90 years of seeing crazy students both having fun and studying. I think in my school there is more fun then studies. You just gotta know the right people.

The celebration started with mass at Sacred Heart Church , the church was so packed!!
Then after thanking God, we went as a parade to our school.
OMG!! all the passer-by's were staring at us.
I wonder what they were thinking. Ah!

And then when we reached, I saw a huge crowd of students, teachers, ex-students, ex-teachers and our ex-principal too.

Then the real celebration started.
We had many speeches from our principal, ex-students who were like the first students of our school, teachers, etc.

Then there was many other students showing their talents by singing, playing music, dancing, etc

Sunday 2 June 2013

The fortune cookie

19th March, 2013

Dear Diary,
I'm totally totally!!
Cause of that fortune cookie!!
I don't know what it all!!!

It said,
"Depart not from the path which fate have you assigned" 

I don't know what it you??? 


18th March, 2013

Dear Diary,
Today was a total 
knock on the face.Like literally,
I have so much Home work to do, so I knocked my books on my exhausted.

And guess what? I got a whole 10 on 10 in my English Dictation!!!
Plus, my English reading test went pretty smooth.

Today I tried making some back-ground music for crazy boys but I dozed off.....LOL :)

Today I also tried writing a new song.....but in vain......nothing.
Date 13, March, Wednesday, 2013
My song line up from last year(summer) to this year....17 songs!!

Saturday 1 June 2013

Crazy Boys

15th March, 2013

Dear Diary,
In this Twisted world named Earth,
In the the midst of stupidity of my class room,
I wrote a song
The name of this song is "Crazy Boys".
HaHaHa you can feel the humour of this song in the title.

School Picnic

28th February, 2013

Dear Diary,
Today was our school picnic.
We went to some Hill resort.
I went swimming, the water was soo cold.
Like soo freezing.
I saved my friend from drowning, but she was really in the shallow water.
LOL :)

I ate some gola. (crushed ice with a sweet syrup)
My friends ate 2-3 servings, but I really can't,
They started sneezing after that.
My funny friends!!!

So tired after coming home today, but at least no home work today!!!

Friday 31 May 2013

My Grandpa

4th February, 2013

Dear Diary,
Today my Grandpa died.
He was at total peace.
No more suffering, pain or any troubles.
He's with God....lucky guy!!

I did not cry at all cause I was at total shock.
I did not go to school today, went to the funeral mass and all.

La La La I feel like writing a song.
I'm going to write a song for Grandpa.
I bet Grandpa's new best friend will be St.Peter.

Thursday 30 May 2013

Unit tests Start!!

29th January, 2013

Unit tests start from today,
 Today paper is Geography and Hindi.

I told you I have supernatural powers right?
So like Whatever I say comes true.
I was running late today.
So, Today I said,"The gates will be open, the gates will be open", and it was!!!

I reached class when Miss was taking attendance, just at the time my roll number was being called so I was all like "Miss! Miss! Present!!" LOL 

And like when the Assembly was going on in our class, One girl just collapsed...THUD!!
She fainted, just like that!!
Our teacher freaked out (obviously)
and called in the teacher of the neighbouring class.
Then they took her to the Principal's office(didn't see that girl for the rest of the day)
Used up 15 mins of our exam time with all this going on.
When we finally got our papers, our pens went like speeding cars cause we won't get enough of time then.
5 mins before the exam got over, we started panicking cause we did not finish our paper.
But in the end we all did.
I don't believe it!! My  Favourite  month of January is getting over.....

FaithFormation Picnic

27th January, 2013

Dear Diary,
Today we went for that Faith Formation Picnic thing.
It was Ok.
Those boys were acting usual.

In the evening we went for some Women's Fight thingy or something.

All the time I was all like.."Put off the lights.Don't let no-one see me!!"

I'm Sleepy

26th January, 2013

Dear Diary,
Exams are just around the corner and I'm sleeping!!
No, I mean literally I'm just sleeping.
Home Work has kept me up all these days that's why I'm sleepy.
Good Night..Zzz Zzz Zzz Zzz(In sleep)
"Ohh When Golden Dreams Come True...."
LOL :)

Really sad.

11th January, 2013

Dear Diary,
One of the most embrassing moments of my life.
I can't tell you why cause I'm feeling sad today.
I'll give you a hint :
 Today I have to write 10 pages of Hindi
I'm so sad today.


10th January, 2013

Dear Diary,
What's it like in heaven?
I think I'll be coming there soon.
Maybe, cause Home work, friends, teachers, tests and sleep is becoming hard to cope with.
Maybe I'll survive, Maybe I'll not.

Oh Great! We have to learn some Hindi song for Republic Day.
One more hour of play...Gone!!

Wrote a new song today, the name of the song is 'Stolen Heart'.

I think it sounds really Cool!

Tired drawing..........

9th January, 2013

Dear Dairy,
My life is soo tiring!
In school today we had to finish our drawing book.So everyone knowing that I'm good at drawing, forced me to draw for them.
In the end, I draw 8 drawings.
How mad can they be!!!

Tried to write a song today...but then even that went down in vain.

Came home got irritated put on the T.V and sat there for about 4 hours.
Ate snacks and now writing in my diary.
soo boring.

Friends or foes?

8th January, 2013

Dear Diary,
are ALL my friends soo differently weird??
I have a friend who faints,
a friend who can't sing,
a friend who compares my marks with hers,
a friend who pushes me while talking,
a friend who keeps mumbling,
a friend who only notices me when she needs notes,
a friend who annoys me,
and finally a friend who tries to copy my test!!

Do I have to call them friends?
Maybe not.


7th January, 2013

Dear Diary,
Today I had a fever, so I did not go to school.
The fever went off in the evening so I could play on the computer.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

First Friday of the year!!!

4th January, 2013

Dear Diary,
OMG!! Today there was First Friday Mass in our school.

I am in the I sang my hearts out....not literally!
I still have my heart here.It can't go anywhere.I mean to say I sang with all my might.
The priest was cracking soo many jokes.. so mass was quite fun.
I have to start taking my studies super seriously cause Unit tests are coming soon.

Today I learnt some first aid techniques at home from books

What a tiring day!!GOOD NIGHT!!!


3rd January, 2013

Dear Diary,
Today was my best friend's birthday.She gave me chocolates.
They were Yum!!

Then in the last period of the day the First Friday Mass Choir was called .....they almost forgot me!!so evil
We finished the practise and then went home.
Gosh! I got so much Home Work to do!
Gotta Go.....

Damn it!I didn't finish Maths Home Work.Who the heck can do 10 big, hard problems in a day?

I'm sleepy..........Zzzzz

School re-opened today

2nd January,2013

Dear Diary,
Today unfortunately school started.Loads of Home work I did not do till now.
Cause most of the time my head was paining.

Now waiting for my favorite programme to start

First day of the year!!!

1st January, 2013

Dear Diary,
No-thing special today although it is 1st January of the new year.
Oh yes, almost forgot, forgetful me.....My new year resolution's.

  • Make my hand-writing easier to read.
  • Learn to ride a bicycle without falling.
  • Be very hard-working in studies, at least bet one of my scholar friends in ONE subject
  • Become a freak of something (computer, sports, songs...etc)
And yeah that's about it, maybe.
Today was my GrandPa's leg surgery...oh how I wish I become a surgeon soon!!

I made gingerbread men today.Literally punched the damn dough to  make it even.
Hands paining now....Tragic both Crazy.

My Name is.................

My Priceless Diary

Hello and Welcome to My Priceless Diary.
These are the most priceless moments of my life.

Sometimes there's alot of drama too.
Cause that's the way life supposed to be with balanced happiness and sadness, if there's only happiness, we'll become to spoilt and get bored with the best.

As long as you have your life.....enjoy it.
Make friends, Dream big achieve higher and be yourself.

I'm 12 years old, an this is my diary.
I enjoy listening to music and I also like to write songs.
I play the violin and a bit keyboard, I'm also trying to learn to play the guitar.
I play surgery games online.
I hate drama queens and kings.
I have three actual best friends, the rest are just on-off friends.
So I just let them be.
I am really excited to become 13 years old this year.
I both love and hate maths.
I also have a talent for drawing anime.(Japanese cartoon)
I wanna be a Singer and a Surgeon.
Weird combo huh?

This is the spectacular year of 2013.
I have a good feeling about this year.
I hope I have a great year.